
The Gymnastica Bürstadt is an international sports festival which takes place every three years.

Hundreds of participants from all over the world come to present their performances. The show is a mix of acrobatics & dance at the highest stage.

The entrance is free.It all started 1953  to bring together groups from all over the world for celebrating, meeting new friends and performing.

The purpose of Gymnastica is similar to other gymnastics and show festivals for example the World Gymnastrada:

– peaceful and fair gathering of many culutrally different groups

– presentation of the variety of dance and gymnastics

– exchange of ideas and methods between the coaches and group leaders

– supporting joy of exercising

– giving acrobats and dancers of different levels the opportunity to perform in front of a large audience

– supporting physical and social wellbeing in a solemn atmosphere

The Gymnastica is not a competition of skill. Therefore groups rate each other in the categories friendliness and appearance, to distinguish those who have positive influence on the Gymnastica.

More informations under

Translation by Tami

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